June thoughts from Dr. Nathanson
It’s the little words that count the most-Humanistic Leadership.
At work, often, it is the little words that make the most significant impact. Instead of promising big rewards or, unfortunately, the threat of punishment, the humanistic leader uses small words daily. There is more leadership leverage with followers to tell someone, thank you, I appreciate you, you are a valuable member of this team, and sometimes, when needed, I am sorry.
Leading vs. Managing ( Both are needed from the same person)
Leaders provide vision and inspiration while enabling motivation to others towards a common goal. Leaders are focused on creating and facilitating ideas and opinions from others. Strong leaders promote collaboration, not competition between members of the same team. Most of all, leaders sell tickets for the journey!
Management is different. Managers focus on driving the bus. Strong managers should be focused on planning, organizing, and monitoring. To manage requires subordinates. One can lead without necessarily having subordinates. Sometimes managers have a short-term view and need to be results-oriented. While different, good leadership and management are both required for organizational success.
How do you find the RIGHT work for you?
Most important is to take action when something is no longer working in your life. This action involves risks, following your heart and inner voice. It might require a lifestyle change and, in some cases, changes to significant aspects of your life. Recognizing the need to change is the first step; making the change is the next and most crucial step.
To listen, place yourself into the shoes of the person you are listening to, and compromise are signs of a humanistic leader.
When we seek the good possibilities in others, we lower our rush to judge, criticize, or compete with others in harmful ways.
This behavior is an example of humanistic leadership.
The importance of daily practices
It is essential to have specific routines to stick with during challenging times or stress. Practices can range from diet to exercise to sleeping patterns. Think about how you work. What habits or routines might you change for better productivity and health?
I often see confusion around pursuing one’s passions vs. work, where a person can earn a more significant income. I recommend taking a piece of paper and, on the left side, writing down one’s abilities and what they are motivated to do. On the right side, write down one’s deepest interests.
Then match the pairs from each column. The matching pairs are where motivation is the highest. It is the intersection of abilities and interests where joyful work is!
Do you want more time in your life, then do nothing!
Well, not actually, but this will require 5 minutes, twice a day.
Take the time twice a day to sit and do nothing. Think about whatever you want during this time. This practice is slightly different from meditating, which I also recommend as an excellent daily practice to re-charge. Take five minutes twice a day sitting and thinking will enable your mind to solve, plan and create as is needed at the moment. It can help to ask yourself a question at the start of each session. For example, how can I? Your mind will race into action to provide some ideas before your five-minute session is complete.
After the session, take action or write down what new idea emerged.
Your inner mind and intuition are powerful if you can listen.
If done twice a day, this process will give back time, energy, a sense of calm, and confidence.
How can YOU include and appreciate people who are different than you?
People are diverse in so many beautiful ways. Diversity is more than just color, culture, and religion. We are different in how we think, process information, speak, make decisions, dress, walk, etc.
In my research, I have observed that it is essential to develop a mindset to appreciate and include people who are different.
The humanistic leader enables this at work. This change is so much more than the program or project of the month. It is deeper.
What can YOU do today as a humanistic leader to appreciate and include people who are different than you? For some, this new behavior will take practice, patience, and tolerance for yourself and others.
This NEW behavior will bridge the gap between lack of understanding, empathy, and deep appreciation for others different from us.
It starts with each of us, maybe TODAY?