(It will increase the quality and happiness in your life) Indian thinker Krishnamurti (1987) believed that there are many people who want to be famous because they don’t love what they do. He believed that our present success is rotten because it teaches us to love...
1. Do what really interests you! (This seems like a simple idea, but many times we do work for many other reasons) 2. Decide for yourself what kind of work best fits you. (There is no shortage of people who will tell you what to do, but this decision should come from...
First, decide what you want! Yes, it’s that easy and that hard. What do you love to do? Decorate a house, take pictures, teach children or work with the elderly? Do you approve? Once we figure out what we love to do, many of us make the fatal mistake; we ask someone...
Do you ever wish you had a few more options when trying to find the work you love? Here are some ideas that might help expand your thinking. Change your physical space when thinking about what you want to do. (Motion changes emotion and a new location helps you think...