Some people feel content for the majority of their working life if their situation meets externally viable needs and they are rewarded properly. Many assume that rewards follow correct behavior if they are willing to sacrifice for success. Has this been the case for...
We humans are terrible at preparing for the crisis It seems to me that many people tend to ignore their needs in mid-life. We tend to be very good at reacting to a crisis, but terrible at planning for one. I think this is the root of the problem. For example, many...
Save your life? After 40 one tends to be more aware of their time left and the things which are undone in their life. While it usually takes a crisis to become more aware, this doesn’t always move one to make change in their life, especially in areas which are no...
This is the third in a ten-part series exploring the “Ten P” model developed by Craig Nathanson, The Vocational Coach, to help mid-life adults discover and do what they love. When Murray and Heather Rand of Canada sold their St. Thomas, Ontario, home and moved...
The big question: What’s really important? The message I deliver most to mid-life professionals is that a key ingredient of happiness is finding vocational passion. It’s finding the perfect alignment of interests and abilities that make going to work seem like it...