Jim Goebelbecker


High-volume sales exec finds passion in a non-profit

Jim Goebelbecker is just shy of 40 years old. In February 2004, Jim was given notice that the company he’d joined three months earlier was going out of business. His third child was only two months old. And although he was enjoying the business development job, Jim sensed in his gut that high-pressure sales was not his forte. What would he do for work? Jim knew that he needed some objective help. So he called Craig Nathanson.

After a short few months, Craig guided Jim through a process that helped him identify what his true PASSIONS were. They talked about how each and every one of those passions was attainable in Jim’s lifetime. Then, Craig coached Jim into action. In a safe and trusting environment where he was engaged in personal conversation, Jim was encouraged to dream, and to accept nothing less than a life of passion-filled activities.

Jim then found an ideal job. He’s now the Director of Administration for a local nonprofit that provides family housing. His office is only 10 minutes away from his home! The job has been everything Jim was looking for. It provides an opportunity to practice the organizational development skills he’d been learning. He has direct impact on strategic planning and implementation. He provides custom training and leadership development. He’s exposed to complex human resource issues. And, Jim has a flexible schedule so he can finish his doctorate program.

Jim’s joy at work has positively influenced the relationship with his wife, too. She sees how happy he is with his new gig, and likes the contribution he’s making to the growing organization. Jim’s positive mental and emotional state has brought more lightness and fun into their relationship.

Jim continues to review the work he has done with Craig and plans to revisit his yearly goals on a regular basis so that they become reality. All Jim wants to do in life, now, are the things he loves to do!

What can we learn from Jim’s story?

Once you identify your passions and are able to visualize your Perfect Vocational Day, it becomes easier to focus moving toward exactly what you want and need.