Many of us waste time, progressing slowly toward what we want most. Instead, we should seize the day. That is, learn to make the most of every moment. I start the day by answering self-reflective questions that inspire me and enable action for a new day. Every new day is an opportunity to make new decisions that move toward what you want and away from what you don’t want in your life. It is essential to stretch ourselves, not be afraid to try out new ideas, and develop plans to implement them. What is your life’s purpose or another way to think about this most important question? Where is your energy RIGHT now, and where do you have a sense of urgency to make a difference in the world? Every day, I have a sense of urgency to create ideas that enable people to be humanistic leaders and allow joyful work for themselves and others.

What is YOUR sense of urgency?

Don’t waste time! Technology is great, but it can also be a huge time waster if we don’t take the time to put our phones down for a few minutes each day to think and ponder.

What are your passions? What work would you do for free? (Not that I am suggesting this, but it is a good way to think about your work)

There is a big difference between decision and action; both are needed NOW to make a positive change in YOUR life.

I am cheering you on each step of the way.

Seek out new opportunities.

Personal growth happens when we are not afraid of trying new ideas, approaches, or possibilities that can make us feel out of our comfort zone.

It is easy in life to become comfortable with the status quo, as change can feel threatening. But change is how we grow and experience the positive outcomes of trying out new opportunities.

Believe in yourself and others, move two steps forward, and YOU will be glad you did.

This morning, I woke up.

To the pouring rain outside.

It was like someone had opened up a valve.

As nature unleashed its beautiful flow, it reminded me how essential it is for us to do the same.

In life, it is often necessary to open our own valves and unleash tension and stress. Of course, this should be done in healthy ways that we won’t regret later.

As we learn our own ways daily to unleash what is bothering us, we become calmer, reflect more, appreciate more, and are grateful for what we do have in our lives. This enables us to shape our lives in the ways that work for us.

This unleashing also enables us to pause, enjoy the moment, and reflect on what is most important to us. What can YOU do NOW to unleash what is bothering you so you can pause, reflect, and re-direct your life in ways that are just right for you?

Be your own Olympic champion.

Too often, we seek out others to compare ourselves to.
It is expected but not healthy or valuable.
Better to invest in you and your brand.
Once you find your personal brand, don’t dilute it.
You are RIGHT NOW, good enough, smart enough, attractive enough, inside and out, just perfect.
Now, DECIDE what you will do and accept yourself as you are. As you embrace the beauty of YOU, you will become your own Olympic champion, and your life and those around you will shine brighter.

Joy at work, what is it?

Let’s delve into a topic we rarely discuss at work-joy. It’s not an everyday conversation, but if you’ve ever experienced it, you know it’s unforgettable. Joy at work is a subjective feeling, and the best way to understand if someone has it is to ask them. In my research on joyful work over many years, I’ve identified 5 common qualities many people share.
A deep sense of focus and concentration about one’s work.
There is a feeling that work is blissful. One can’t distinguish between work and play, vacation and vacation, or Monday or Friday.
There is a sense of urgency about this work. One is unsure how long this will last, so they work hard and are always productive!
The rest of life improves around the person doing the joyful work. Relationships, happiness, health, and the ability to earn income from what one enjoys increase.
Deep knowledge, creativity, and a sense of purpose emerge; one realizes that joyful work is the best choice.
Often, the path to joyful work is challenging but worth it!