The Best Criteria for Loving your Work

The Best Criteria for Loving your Work

[Tweet “It will increase the quality and happiness in your life”] Indian thinker Krishnamurti (1987) believed that there are many people who want to be famous because they don’t love what they do. He believed that our present success is rotten because it...
How to Manage Your Time Like a Leader

How to Manage Your Time Like a Leader

If you are in a management role, each day is a challenge, and it seems like there is never enough time. In fact, we all have the same amount of time each day — 24 hours. The difference is how we use it. To do so effectively, you have to be aware of several factors:...
Leadership Game Plan: Think Like A Coach

Leadership Game Plan: Think Like A Coach

Call to mind a great coach you admire. What does this coach do right? Perhaps, he or she is good at teaching the rules of the game or at determining which roles each person must play on the team. Maybe this coach is great at facilitating all team members to get along...
What Makes A Good Leader?

What Makes A Good Leader?

I remember in the late 1990s meeting with Jeff Bezos at his Amazon headquarters in Seattle. In those days, people were skeptical how far he could take his little online bookstore. While we met and discussed some partnership ideas with his staff, Bezos had an opinion...